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Best Practices for Twin and Triplet Pregnancies: N...
In recent decades, the rate of multiple gestations and live births has risen, with multiple births now comprising 3% of all global births.
Unicornuate uterus heightens risk of ectopic pregn...
According to the findings of a recent study, unicornuate uterus (a minor subset of congenital uterine anomalies) is linked with augmented risks o...
1 minUnderstanding Pain Scales: What Do They Really Mea...
Pain is described as a bothersome feeling that affects both your body and emotions.
2 minLetrozole boosts follicle maturation and pregnancy...
In a recent study, Letrozole (an aromatase inhibitor) has emerged as a useful alternative to Clomiphene citrate for inducing ovulation in females...
1 minHuman chorionic gonadotropin and clomiphene citrat...
A low dose of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) with clomiphene citrate (CC) proved to be promising in improving fertility outcomes for women wi...
2 minEffectiveness of Shenque moxibustion for unforesee...
Addressing infertility in patients with poor ovarian response to stimulation remains an unmet clinical need.
2 minStudy reveals gaps in heavy menstrual bleeding awa...
A recent study published in “Haemophilia” highlighted the critical issue of inadequate awareness and reduced diagnosis of heavy menst...
1 minInvestigation of acupuncture's benefits for pregna...
Pregnant women often suffer from nausea and vomiting, which can severely disrupt their daily lives.
2 minMyo-inositol reduces insulin therapy needs in gest...
A study conducted by Huan Chen and colleagues substantiated the effectiveness of myo-inositol supplements for gestational diabetes management. Th...
1 minNew heatmap visualization tool aids infertility pa...
Uterine myomas (also known as uterine fibroids) are a known cause of infertility, and determining when myomectomy is necessary can be complex due...
1 minPomegranate extracts: A natural remedy for gynecologic disorders?
Pomegranate extracts reduce testosterone, oxidative stress, and inflammation in women with PCOS, while improving menopause-related quality of lif...
Folic acid supplementation reduces neural tube defects in pregnan...
Supplementing 400 micrograms of folic acid daily from preconception through the first trimester is essential for preventing neural tube defects a...
Can adding bilateral TTNS boost postpartum constipation relief ?
Adding bilateral TTNS to traditional physiotherapy offers more significant relief from postpartum constipation symptoms when compared to using tr...
Connective tissue massage vs. classic massage: Which is better fo...
For alleviating the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea, both connective tissue massage and classic massage are beneficial.
Nutritional support for lactating mothers boosts micronutrient st...
Maternal nutrition, supported by extra dietary and micronutrient intake during lactation, improves micronutrient status in mothers and slig...
Does premature menopause affect sexual function in women? Read in...
Given the potential impact on quality of life due to premature ovarian insufficiency, healthcare providers should proactively discuss sexual heal...
Metformin-Myoinositol targets PCOS symptoms, reduces BMI and insu...
Metformin + Myoinositol presents as a personalized, multifaceted strategy to better manage PCOS and its associated symptoms, improving the qualit...
Fighting postpartum depression: Curcumax shows potential in RCT
Plant-based alternative offers a safer, non-pharmacological option for managing postpartum depression, catering to patients seeking effective, na...
Can vitamin D influence pregnancy outcomes in lupus? Read to unco...
Monitoring 25(OH)D levels in systemic lupus erythematosus pregnancies is recommended, aiming for 40-59 ng/mL, without over-supplementation.
New mothers praise ‘Kangaroo Mother Care’ for enhanced comfort an...
Kangaroo Mother Care supports both mother and baby, improves maternal comfort and joy while gaining strong support for continued use in neonatal...
Atosiban is an oligopeptide that inhibits the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin.
Gestational weight gain and obesity: A need for updated guideline...
Weight gain below current recommendations appears safe in pregnancies with obesity and may benefit women with class 3 obesity, highlighting the n...
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