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Developing ARS to assess exercise therapy adherence in knee OA

Developing ARS to assess exercise therapy adherence in knee OA Developing ARS to assess exercise therapy adherence in knee OA
Developing ARS to assess exercise therapy adherence in knee OA Developing ARS to assess exercise therapy adherence in knee OA

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Adherence rating scale (ARS) is highly effective in estimating the adherence to exercise therapy in knee OA due to its significant internal and external validity.

The analyses of univariate factor x2 testing and a multivariate logistic stepwise regression were used to develop adherence model and adherence rating scale to estimate adherence to exercise therapy in knee OA patients, as per a recent study published in the Journal of BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.

In the elderly, KOA poses to be one of the most common chronic diseases. It is the primary reason for the loss of motor function and disability in this population. In the KOA patients, exercise is an important and one of the primary treatment for KOA management. Exercise therapy is "strongly recommended" or "recommended" in the diagnosis and treatment guidelines of OA in many countries, and most scholars suggest it as the preferred rehabilitation technique for KOA patients. But, poor long-term adherence is a serious issue hindering the therapeutic outcomes of this treatment. This study was performed with an objective to fabricate a concise and practical adherence rating scale (ARS) based on the exercise therapy adherence prediction model in KOA patients.

To solve the basis of this study, a binary logistic regression model was created, with the adherence of 218 cases of KOA patients as the dependent variable by Wang J et al. and his researchers. The independent variables comprised of the patients' general information, exercise habits, knowledge, attitude, and exercise therapy. The ARS was made as per the regression coefficients designated to different variables in the model. The Receiver operating characteristic curves and curve fitting helped evaluate the effect of the ARS in estimating the adherence and to rule out the goodness of fit for the adhesion. A randomized controlled trial was used to determine the external validity of the ARS.

The following variables were applied to construct the adherence model and the ARS:

  • Age (1 point)
  • education level (1 point),
  • degree of social support (2 points),
  • exercise habits (3 points),
  • knowledge of KOA prevention and treatment (2 points),
  • degree of care needed to treat the disease (1 point),
  • familiarity with exercise therapy (4 points) and
  •  treatment confidence (3 points)

The critical value of the total score of the ARS was 6.50, with a sensitivity and specificity of 87.20% and 76.34%. Hence, a KOA exercise therapy adherence model and a simple and practical ARS were fabricated.


BMC Musculoskelet Disord


Construction of an adherence rating scale for exercise therapy for patients with knee osteoarthritis


Wang J et al.

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