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Unexpected link between COVID-19 fear and menopausal symptoms!

COVID-19 fear and menopause COVID-19 fear and menopause
COVID-19 fear and menopause COVID-19 fear and menopause

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COVID-19 fear heightens menopausal symptoms, exacerbated by pandemic-induced economic stress, social isolation, and anxiety, revealing the critical need for targeted support amid pandemic challenges.

Coronavirus disease 2019 may exacerbate the symptoms of menopause in women, according to a study issued in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. Menopause, a natural phase marked by hormonal shifts, often causes physical and psychological symptoms that women manage with various treatments and support. This descriptive cross-sectional study by Nurseli Soylu Erener et al. included a total of 161 women with a mean age of 57.68 ± 8.60 years.

Data were collected through direct interactions using the Menopause Symptom Checklist, COVID-19 Fear Assessment Tool and the Personal Information Form. Researchers found a slight positive relationship between COVID-19 fear and both somatic and psychological menopausal symptoms. The fear associated with social and economic aspects was specifically connected to more severe symptoms, though no significant link was found between total COVID-19 fear and all facets of menopausal symptoms. To sum up, the fear of COVID-19 is mildly linked to somatic and psychological issues in menopausal women.


Journal of Clinical Medicine


Does the Fear of COVID-19 Impact on Menopausal Symptoms in Women? A Research Investigation


Nurseli Soylu Erener et al.

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